Hi guys,
I edit the free commuter magazine newspaper "The Rag" that's floating about a bit in Sydney, and I'm fielding submissions from promising comedy writers.
Here's the SCOOP:
we're increasing our distributive girth and we need fresh new content. if you think you're funny and you've got an eye for stupid, we need 500-word articles on issue-based material, rather than topical jokes - because we're published fortnightly the jokes you write could not see light until after their expiry. they're not worth your effort or ours.
so for an example, we've just run an article on gay marriage and another on wikipedia. we're not tied to any agenda or point of view so you can come at any idea from any angle, which is a terrific liberty to be afforded and one we're appreciative of wasting.
you're welcome to submit ideas for stories but if someone writes a good, funny article on racism and you just write a proposal for it, we're going to take the one that's completed and good to print.
we don't mind solitary articles but we'd LOVE frequent contributors so our little rag doesn't become too mercenary.
the work is UNPAID - we're doing it for the love. but writing for us will get you real experience as a comedy writer, and will get your work read by thousands of Sydney-siders.
Email any submissions as an attachment to editor@itstherag.com - we look forward to hearing from you!
if you can make up a topic, I'm your man.
can you write something making fun of the nobel prize voting process? 500 words, email it as an attachment .doc to editor@itstherag.com