Hans Van Harken is gay AND I AM 100% COOL WITH THAT
Sure, he's gay. BIG DEAL. Who isn't amirite. The real story is how OKAY I AM with that:
See? I'm totally cool with it! Not to labor the point too much but it's really important that you realise how COOL I am with that - I don't even mind man.
I'm so INDIFFERENT to it whatever you know? Even if you don't know what I mean that's cool whatever you are who are and who you are is who you are and who am I to judge! Whatever I'M COOL WITH THAT.
Thank heavens for our enlightened attitudes on sexuality and identity. 146 posts and counting.
I'm down with that.
Cambo (Updated )
I'm totally down with homo-ness, I mean I even listen to Katy Perry.